Terms of Service
The information on this site is available for you to use, free of charge. But there are some important things to remember.
First, any use must comply with our Terms of Service. In essence, what this means is:
- The copyright for all images remains with the user who submitted them. This means that you can not distribute, publish or use these images without the copyright holders consent. Our conservation and research relies on the photos submitted by users. We therefore take copyright issues very seriously. If you wish to use images from MantaWatch, please contact us and we can assist you to seek the necessary permission. But understand that the decision rests with the copyright holder.
- You are free to use data on manta populations, movements, etc for non-commercial purposes. We ask you to acknowledge MantaWatch as the source of this information by using the citation below. We would love to feature your projects that use MantaWatch Online data, and encourage you to notify us of your uses. In addition to the data summaries available from mantaWatch Online, we may be able to provide raw data in formats and specifications more amenable to your needs. Scientists are strongly encouraged to register with us, to take advantage of our Data Dashboard, APIs and other services to support your research. Send us a brief proposal outlining your research objectives and data requirements, and we'll let you know how we can help.
Please acknowledge MantaWatch in your own materials with the following citation:
MantaWatch (2024). MantaWatch Online - open and community-sourced marine wildlife monitoring, https://app.mantawatch.com/ (accessed: September 17, 2024). MantaWatch Ltd, London, United Kingdom.