The crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, is a large, multiple-armed starfish that usually preys upon hard, or stony, coral polyps (Scleractinia). The crown-of-thorns starfish receives its name from venomous thorn-like spines that cover its upper surface, resembling the biblical crown of thorns. It is one of the largest starfish in the world.
Bleaching occurs when corals expel their symbiotic zooxanthellae - pigmented, algae-like protozoa that live within the coral's cells. High temperature, pollution or other stresses can cause the coral to expel its zooxanthellae, leading to a lighter or complete loss of color.
Recent Activity
- SS
naneng setiasih
conducted a manta survey. - at Komodo National Park
0 mantas at Dead Man's Rock on 02 Oct
data recorded by Karim
- SS
naneng setiasih
conducted a manta survey. - at Komodo National Park
0 mantas at Dead Man's Rock on 02 May
data recorded by Karim
- SS
naneng setiasih
conducted a manta survey. - at Komodo National Park
0 mantas at Dead Man's Rock on 02 Oct
data recorded by Karim
- SS
naneng setiasih
conducted a manta survey. - at Komodo National Park
0 mantas at Dead Man's Rock on 02 May
data recorded by Karim